Free For A Limited Time

Take advantage of our free offer and increase your cyber resilience today!

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What You Will Learn

  • Cyber Attacks Are Up

    Learn how one small business in the UK is successfully hacked every 11 seconds. Plus the anatomy of a targeted Cyber Attack!

  • How To Respond

    51% of businesses have reported being hit by ransomware in the last year alone. Learn how to respond to a ransomware attack in 9 steps.

  • Human Risk Management (HRM)

    Learn how HRM the new class of user-focused security that empowers businesses to understand, reduce and monitor their employee cyber risk — without having to sacrifice productivity for protection.

Things Have Changed

Cyber Attacks Are Way Up !

Hiscox reports, one small business in the UK is hacked every 11 seconds! With 51% reported being hit by ransomware in the last year alone!  - Hiscox reports 

As more businesses utilise cloud computing and mobile devices and are storing more information online. Quite simply, most small businesses are low-hanging fruit to hackers due to their lack of adequate security systems – which is why we have made this course available for free.

My name is Leon McQuade, Co-Founder Think Cloud a Cyber-Security and Technology company that works day and night to protect our clients from these attacks – and who sees, regularly, hardworking people being financially devastated by these lawless attacks! – We are determined to EDUCATE as many businesses and their teams as possible of the VERY REAL threats facing their organisation so they have a chance to protect themselves and everything they've worked so hard to achieve.

My business partner Scott Clark and I have made it our company's mission to up-skill and make our local business community stronger with our free "Cyber Security Challenge." 

Things have changed cyber attacks are way up. 

New threats are emerging every single day while technologies like machine learning make stealing or misusing your data easy-but don't worry!

This is why we created this video training course, and includes access to our proven framework "15 Ways To Protect Your Business From A Cyber Attack".

Available now, absolutely free !

We built our framework in response to the pandemic when we were brought in to enhance the resources of The Humber Business Growth Hub, Digital Tech Cumbria and #GrowMySME Scheme through the delivery of the Digital Catalyst. The Scheme was designed to support SMEs with up to 249 employees, helping to maximise digital growth opportunities and increase their cyber resilience

Delivering Digital Technology Support To SMEs


#GrowMySME #DigitalTechCumbria

Mark Modena - Director of Performance Improvement Services at Winning Moves Ltd

We’ve found Think Cloud to be proactive collaborators as partners delivering digital technology support to Humber SMEs. They have all the requisite technical knowledge and experience, but, just as importantly, work hard to understand the real needs and identify long term, cost-effective solutions appropriate to each individual client.

Course Instructors

Co-Founder | Chief AI Officer Leon McQuade

I love online learning as its so useful, in that it can connect with us on a much deeper level. We often forget us humans are just like other animals and we learn best when we move through the show, participate and observation learning model. We've all heard the phrase “monkey see, monkey do” which is fundamentally how we learn. Elearning provides a platform with live, verbal, and symbolic learning packed with data making learner outcomes stronger. What's not to love!

Chief Technology Officer | Co-Founder Scott Clark

The way of teaching is changing and updating daily. The traditional and old paradigm of education is not demanding anything now of us as we evolve. Television didn’t transform education. Neither will the internet. Accessing and adapting to technology and bringing those to our teams is the major challenge. To drive digital transformation we must equip our teams with the best in class technologies to transform the pace of learning needed today.

Chief Operations Officer Dean Bulfield

The biggest benefit of eLearning is the complete lack of pressure. Because you get to set your own timeframe and learn only when you have time, eLearning makes learning not something you have to get over with, but something you look forward to! From experience, you learn more when you enjoy the process.

Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Before we begin...

    1. From The Dawn Of Humanity - Data's Exponential Growth

    2. The Anatomy Of A Targeted Cyber Attack

    3. No One Can Stop The Hackers !

    4. How One Ransomware Attack Cost £45m to fix - BBC News Report

    5. Take The Security Challenge

    6. Can You Withstand A Cyber Attack ?

    1. Anatomy Of The Man In The Middle Attack

    2. Anatomy Of A Wanna Cry Ransomware Attack

    3. Anatomy Of The Eternal Blue Attack

    1. How To Respond To A Ransomware Attack In 9 Steps

    1. How To Reduce Human Cyber Risk

    2. Humans - The #1 Cause Of Cyber Security Breaches

    3. Why Are Employees An Insider Threat

    4. Four Causes Of A User Related Data Breach

    5. Establish A Security-Minded Culture

    6. Implementing Human Risk Management (HRM)

    7. 9 Best Practice Tips For Tackling Long-Term Human Risk

    8. Start Reducing Human Cyber Risk Now

    1. Congrats! Here's what's next..... Bonus Resources

    2. One last thing before you go.. Must complete for certification

    3. Bonus Resources Download

About this course

  • Free
  • 23 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content