Don't Be The Next Victim: Learn How To Stop The Hackers!

  • #1 Learn how not to be an easy target!

    Only 31% of SMEs have completed a Cyber Risk Assessment in the past 12 Months! Learn our 9 step process – The data gathering, The cyber security risk assessment.

  • #2 Learn how to stop a data breach!

    The anatomy of three targeted cyber attacks. One small business in the UK is successfully hacked every 11 seconds. Attacks we walkthrough are: Man-In-The-Middle | Wanna-Cry | External-Blue

  • #3 Learn how to assess if cyber-security is required for a business!

    Discover how to secure yourself and your data with a penetration test. Learn how easy it is for hackers to get to your information if you’re not keeping track of it. Make sure your team is adhering to good cyber security hygiene.

What Our Customers Say

Absolute Complete Trust

Phil Ellerby, Founder & CEO - Northern Accountants

"They really have kicked our business on into the next stage. We wouldn’t have been able to do the things we’ve done to date regarding the reorganisation & restructuring of the business if it hadn’t been for Think Cloud. They assessed our current position, bringing alternative solutions that enhanced us. We have absolute complete trust if they say it needs to be done it gets done without question. The service is second to none!"

Digital Catalyst

Mark Modena - Director of Performance Improvement Services at Winning Moves

We’ve found Think Cloud to be proactive collaborators as partners delivering digital technology support to Humber SMEs.(#GrowMySME Digital Catalyst Scheme) They have all the requisite technical knowledge and experience, but just as importantly, work hard to understand the real needs and identify long term, cost-effective solutions appropriate to each individual client.

Suicide Prevention In The COVID-19 Era, transforming threat into an opportunity

Luke Ambler, Founder & Chair - Andys Man Club

"Think Cloud has made life so much simpler for us. The big challenges we faced through lockdown was keeping everyone working from home safely, securely and straight away. We also had the added challenge of taking all of our peer support groups online during the pandemic. We can’t put a value on the tools and systems Think Cloud has provided us because the value is saving lives."

IT Peace Of Mind

Mike Ellis, Founder - 43 Clicks North

"The biggest value Think Cloud brought to us is having someone we can turn to, saying I have this problem how do we solve it. We have access to a team of technology experts who we can call upon providing me with headspace and IT peace of mind."


Co-Founder | Chief AI Officer Leon McQuade

I love online learning as its so useful, in that it can connect with us on a much deeper level. We often forget us humans are just like other animals and we learn best when we move through the show, participate and observation learning model. We've all heard the phrase “monkey see, monkey do” which is fundamentally how we learn. Elearning provides a platform with live, verbal, and symbolic learning packed with data making learner outcomes stronger. What's not to love!

Chief Technology Officer | Co-Founder Scott Clark

The way of teaching is changing and updating daily. The traditional and old paradigm of education is not demanding anything now of us as we evolve. Television didn’t transform education. Neither will the internet. Accessing and adapting to technology and bringing those to our teams is the major challenge. To drive digital transformation we must equip our teams with the best in class technologies to transform the pace of learning needed today.

Chief Operations Officer Dean Bulfield

The biggest benefit of eLearning is the complete lack of pressure. Because you get to set your own timeframe and learn only when you have time, eLearning makes learning not something you have to get over with, but something you look forward to! From experience, you learn more when you enjoy the process.

Course curriculum

    1. Before we begin...

    2. Learn the secrets to PROTECTING your business from cyber-attacks

    3. VALUE PROTECTION FRAMEWORK Cyber Insurance Readiness Assessment - 15 Ways To Protect Your Business From A Cyber Attack

    4. One last thing before you go.. Must complete for certification

    5. Congrats! Here's what's next..... Bonus Resources

    6. Bonus Resources Download

About this course

  • Free
  • 6 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content